
Showing posts from October, 2017

Diary of Surprising Sleeptime Dreams Entry One As They Pertain To Career/Money Areas Part One Creative Writing Fiction Genre

Disclaimer; Please know that I am writing this more for fun and because of my writing passions from a fiction creative writing intent to grow my creative writing wings. I definitely prefer to avoid telling what to do and I am still learning and realize that there is still so much for me to know. For me, doing this writing is also a healing creative writing therapy for me. With that said for karmic reasons these series of stories is going to pertain to characters who lived on earth until at least the year 2094 with a work history listed from 2043 onwards. This is meant to be written from the fictional perspective of providing material for earth-based writers who are going to have stronger connections to heaven/celestial worlds by the year 4000 or sooner. For karmic reasons, I have to keep the common denominator of people who passed over in their sleep as part of the fiction based stories but keep out their age andor how long they live in case one of the generated names matches up w...

Fictional Career Imagination Building Story Number 3 by Stella Carrier series

Fictional Career Imagination Building Story Number 3 by Stella Carrier series Wednesday October 18 2017 until at least November 14th or November 15 2017 Start time; 1038 pm Finish time in progress to be finished by 1130 pm Thursday October 26 2017 or sooner I must preface this fictional story profile by making it clear that I intend to only apply for jobs within the current company I am employed at for the rest of this year in order to see if there is a chance for me to secure year round employment as I am fully aware that I am blessed with a job with good pay and fair managers/a fair boss. Rather, I am gathering these career profiles as a way to window shop so to speak in case I have to search for year round employment in 2018-January 2018 at the earliest due to the fact that my current job is a temporary billeted position just for the traditional school year (employment for the months August to May with a gap between May to August and fortunately just a short gap between D...