Interview with the recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 3 freestyle story by Stella Carrier
Interview with the recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 3 freestyle story by Stella Carrier to start Wednesday January 10, 2018 and to continue on until at least ideally February 1, 2018 andor later depending on personal intuitive andor logical insights channeled from my creative subconscious/intent to channel the wisdom, knowledge, love, and creativity of multiple heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness both present and future I preface this creative fiction story by making it clear that I Stella Carrier feel blessed for my current food services job at the University of Maryland College Park which pays well for what I do, and allows me to work with both fair leaders and ambitious coworkers. I I intend and prefer to work at my current University of Maryland College Park food services job for the rest of my remaining time of residing in the Washington D.C. area. I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influenc...