Interview with the recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 1 freestyle story by Stella Carrier

I preface this creative fiction story by making it clear that I Stella Carrier feel blessed for my current food services job at the University of Maryland College Park which pays well for what I do, and allows me to work with both fair leaders and ambitious coworkers. I intend to avoid making a firm decision on doing any further job searching until after least after January 3, 2017 or later for spiritual, intuitive, and karmic reasons.
I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.

I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.

I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.

Start time approximately 1152 am give or take a few minutes
Completion time 1259 pm

Interview with the recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 1 freestyle story by Stella Carrier
Interviewer is named Annie Charles, a lookalike of the musician celebrity Kelly Clarkson of the year 5000 in Switzerland, works at a hybrid theme park, university, and hotel as what is considered a career counselor in the early 2000s and works as a dual psychic and author part time who specializes in the occult/supernatural fiction genre. She lives in a beautiful orange blue and purple 10 bedroom house with 5 other people that she prefers to keep secret, has a money net worth of what would be considered 20 million dollars in early 2000s money from her success as an author. However, she lives in a society and timeframe where everyone is provided their housing and money needs regardless of their job andor money status once they turn 19 years old.

Psychic/Author/Career Counselor Annie Charles is about to interview a man named Milton Hicks who is a lookalike of the lead singer in the Everybody Wants to Rule the World music video by Tears for Fears. He recently passed away over 8 hours ago in year 2100 and his last ten years was a public relations specialist for Target and then he crossed over to working as a public relations specialist/communications business consultant for a chain of successful restaurants and grocery stores affiliated with the company Amazon. He lived in Los Angeles California in a beautiful white green and pink 5 bedroom house with people who identities he was asked by one of his celestial spirit guides to keep secret for now. His net worth was 5 million dollars after taxes in early 2000s money both from his work in public relations and from his work from a self published story and script that he actually published over 30 years ago but both were finally discovered and given increased attention the last year of his life when a group of five musicians felt that both the script and short story were perfect for a musical play they were going to feature in Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand.

Annie Charles; Milton Hicks please tell us one of the challenges that transformed into triumph when you were alive

Milton Hicks; By my 40th birthday I managed to finally have over two years of living expenses saved after taxes which was over 60000 American dollars after taxes. I notice my prosperity increasing once I saved over 900 dollars after taxes in early 2000s money but my financial prosperity increased ten fold once I saved over 60000 American dollars even though I still owned in student loans.

Annie Charles;Milton, How did the early triumph of saving 900 dollars after taxes affect your spiritual goals?
Milton Hicks; Even before I succeeded in saving and keeping over 900 dollars after taxes I intuitively and logically realized how vital it was to also work on increasing my intuition as honing and strengthening your intuition can help you to be more aware and act on what is going to happen before it does regardless of your intellectual abilities, emotional intelligence, andor even your social skills. I found that the more I worked on nurturing and cultivating my intuition, the more that other areas of my life began to be resolved through the gift of creative solutions that arrived in greater frequency once I focused more on developing my budding/growing intuition.

Annie Charles; Milton Hicks, any education or wisdom that you wish to share andor wish to have pursued when you were still alive?

Milton Hicks; I eventually learned well before I was 40 that any of my goals worth pursuing regardless of how I was perceived for doing so have to also be aligned with my life purpose and karmic destiny. As a result, I had to also learn how to daily tap into my heaven spirit ally team and heaven higher self  of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness for advice and feedback on certain goals. Eventually, I even dreamed of round table meetings that I was holding with them in beautiful garden areas outside. Sometimes I had to be told different from what I expected such as the advice on one of my fitness goals that came out differently from what my human mind was formulating. I was bluntly told that I am going to have to shorten the amount of miles I want to walk daily in order to give myself more time in my career, education, and money endeavors which I….

Annie Charles; Please excuse me for interrupting but before you give what I intuitively to be information from your intuitive heart can you please tell me where in the celestial realms you reside andor what you world looks like from your perspective. I am aware Milton Hicks where you reside but I am following my own intuition to write and record your voice on that matter.

Milton Hicks; Currently, I reside in a celestial replica of Anaheim California near Disneyland but I have the option to travel to other places both within the celestial replicas of other U.S. places, celestial replicas of Europe, globally etc. you get the picture

Annie Charles; Milton Hicks, please tell me what were any of your favorite places to travel to when you were alive andor now that you are residing in some heaven worlds and I agree to share you some of mine

Milton Hicks; Agreed, of course I enjoyed traveling around various parts of California when I was alive, parts of the metropolitan Washington D.C. area, parts of Europe and Asia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand. Now that I have passed on I enjoy traveling to many of the same celestial replicas. I now also have the option to travel to various worlds outside of earth and even timeframes where I reside. As a matter of fact, I had the chance to peer and travel into the year 5000 Switzerland less than 2 hours before you visited me via Switzerland’s version of the Monroe Institute in 2000s Virginia.

Annie Charles; Yes, I know one of my coworkers who works as a creative writing professor spotted you when we were both visiting a witchcraft museum in England and then again when we were lecturing at a psychic development college near Zurich Switzerland.

Annie Charles; I enjoy traveling around both various parts of Europe, Africa, the United States, Asia, New Zealand, Canada, and other parts as well. I too have the option of traveling into the future as technology has been invented to allow this but for karmic reasons the time travel has been built simply more for the future as the scientists of my time have agreed of the karmic risks of what can occur of building time machines into the past which made them all agree to just build time machines for the future.

Milton Hicks; One of my female spirit guides told me about that today and the time travel sounds exciting. I would like to ask you more about that but I see that you only have 3 minutes and 30 seconds left to talk to me.

Annie Charles; Yes, yet please know that it has been fun to talk to you and before I go can I ask you one more question, maybe we can talk about the future time travel machines in my future for my next visit.

Milton Hicks; Agreed, go ahead and ask your question

Annie Charles; Any wisdom andor information that your heaven higher self andor heaven spirit ally team shared with you either while you were alive on earth andor now that you have passed on to the celestial worlds that you wish to share.

Milton Hicks; Well, when the song Raise Your Glass by Pink came on the radio once this triggered a memory of where I had a dream less than 48 hours before where I was in a library and downloading and writing certain songs that came to mind such as the Business of Emotion by Big Data feat. White Sea. Whenever I heard that band’s music or even Pinks Get the Party started or Raise Your Glass I already logically and intuitively understood that both my heaven spirit ally team and my heaven higher self were gently trying to nudge me to accept myself as I am even while working to improve myself but to also keep my eye on the ball/keep sight of both my college education goals and my intuition development goals. I use to rationalize putting off my education goals because of my age and money situation. However, the Raise Your Glass song by Pink helped me realize that there was a reason why I was the way I was but that I would only finally uncover my unlimited potential and brilliance by sticking with and committing to my dreams. The library dream and the Business of Emotion song reference by Big Data in that library dream helped me intuitively understand that my heaven higher self in concert/collaboration with my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness helped me intuitively and logically understand that I was being nudged to follow my dreams regardless of the public gossip andor judgment I might attract for taking college courses related to my public relations/marketing/advertising interests as the band Big Data feat. Joywave published a music video titled Dangerous that playfully poked fun at the advertising/marketing/public relations sectors while still being a creative tribute to those career fields. I remember watching that music video determined to eventually take classes related to those fields regardless of what I would have to endure, how I’m publicly perceived, andor how long it takes and I feel that the library dream where I found the Business of Emotion by Big Data in a library drawer was just a gentle celestial nudge, that same day of my dream I saw a cat peer right close to the window I was sitting when I finally made up my mind to believe in myself enough to go after this dream. I also followed through on the intuitive guidance that both my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team gave me to keep an intuition journal including describing what it feels like to be connected to my intuition. I noticed that the more I frequently did this the more both my wisdom, creativity, and intuition started to grow and expand for both my work life and other areas of my life.

Annie Charles; Milton Hicks much information was shared, how about we possibility schedule a visit for 3 days from now.

Milton Hicks; I concur, just let me know what you propose within 48 hours or less after you go to your place of employment in Geneva Switzerland.

Annie Charles; Agreed, talk to you later as I have a creative writing and intuition hybrid class to teach.

Milton Hicks; Perfect timing as I see one of my male spirit guides who was with me when I had that library dream that I shared with you. He is telepathically communicating to me that he would like to take me to an akashic records library to discusss with me that life changing effects of that dream and he needs my help in orchestrating a similar dream to a female who has been praying to him and other members of her heaven spirit ally team for career guidance to be aligned with her karmic destiny and life purpose.


I Stella Carrier can do good work and accomplish much in all areas of my life both present and future regardless of the level of creativity and problem solving that exists in my current circumstances that I’m intuitively aware are self-created.
I Stella Carrier can make big decisions today in all areas of my life both present and future regardless of the level of information I have
Each Day I Stella Carrier am manifesting/attracting positive/beneficial increasing essences of freedom and independence in all areas of my life both present and future.
I Stella Carrier know almost everything that is going to happen before it does, I am plugged in a most unusual way via celestial/heaven-like benevolent forces in all areas of my life both present and future.

Songs; Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi, You Might Think by the Cars, Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, ET by Katy Perry, God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton, She and I by Alabama  local radio; Believer by Imagine Dragons, Everyone Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears

I have to leave for work within the next 9 minutes or less but I intend to save this link to check out the mentioned single of Beyonce and Eminem after work today.

Eminem Pulls a Beyoncé, Surprise Drops New Single Featuring Beyoncé

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Create Your Ideal Reality Blog

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