Interview with the recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 3 freestyle story by Stella Carrier
Interview with the recently
departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 3 freestyle
story by Stella Carrier to start Wednesday January 10, 2018 and to continue on
until at least ideally February 1, 2018 andor later depending on personal
intuitive andor logical insights channeled from my creative subconscious/intent
to channel the wisdom, knowledge, love, and creativity of multiple heaven
worlds of divine love and divine happiness both present and future
I preface this
creative fiction story by making it clear that I Stella Carrier feel blessed
for my current food services job at the University of Maryland College Park
which pays well for what I do, and allows me to work with both fair leaders and
ambitious coworkers. I I intend and prefer to work at my current University of
Maryland College Park food services job for the rest of my remaining time of
residing in the Washington D.C. area.
I Stella Carrier
Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From
the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for
creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and
future. I also welcome any
and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of
my life both present and future.
I Stella Carrier give
thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my
education and career goals for both present and future.
I Stella Carrier feel
blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I
desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career
Background info
Start time approximately
1158 am give or take a few minutes after gathering preliminary resources and
copying portions of a previous entry to change and plug in to the writings.
Completion time
Interview with the
recently departed for career info fictional creative imagination series post 3
freestyle story by Stella Carrier
Interviewer is named
Fern Marshall who resides in Scandinavia in the year 8500. She is a dual
psychic who also works part-time as a sandwich maker/pie creator serving
college students during the week via a food truck that is open from 9am to 3pm
Mondays to Saturdays with five other coworkers. During her free time andor
sleep-time dreams she travels to various celestial realms for both ideas
related to connecting with her multiple muses both for ideas related to her
current work and ideas for her writing. Fern Marshall acknowledges that part of
her successful self employment stems from a few original business ideas that
she got working for an employer over 4 years ago observing the movements and
work of over 12 coworkers/leaders. Fern Marshall managed to save up the money
to open her own business from money obtained from her fiction writing and money
made from savvy stock investment deals.
Anyhow, today during
one of her celestial travels she traveled to one of the celestial realms that
has a celestial replica of the metropolitan area of Maryland, Washington
D.C.,and Virginia combined. Up until the year 2090 there were parts of Maryland
and Virginia that were outside of the metropolitan Washington D.C. area for
various reasons. However, due to multiple reasons for another post, many
compassionate politicians from across the United States gathered to open and
spearhead public transit options across the whole of the United States which
made it possible for even workers from modest socio-economic backgrounds more
job options while saving up money for their cars. By the year 2102 a
compassionate group of politicians in collaboration with the U.S. president at
the time saw fit to combine Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. via an
interconnected bus and train system. As a result, many men, women and children
were able to easily reside in communities such as Virginia Beach Virginia and
Norfolk Virginia and commute to places such as Bethesda Maryland, College Park
Maryland, downtown Washington D.C. and vice versa (workers in College Park
Maryland commuting to Hampton Roads Virginia for work via a speed express metro
train that would take just 45 minutes and vice versa for instance a worker in
Baltimore Maryland being able to ride a train into Chesapeake Virginia in just
a matter of 55 minutes). This also helped the overall United States economy for
various reasons.
Otto Barry was an
employee helped by such a measure. He resided in Virginia Beach Virginia and
was able to easily ride a metro rail train from a metro train station less than
3 miles from his home and go to work either in College Park Maryland, Bethesda
Maryland, and other places within northern Virginia and downtown Washington
D.C. Sometimes he also did work nearby his home in Virginia Beach Virginia as
he was a dual writer and a food publicity consultant for colleges in the
Hampton Roads Virginia area as well as colleges/universities that were
considered part of the immediate metropolitan Washington D.C. era prior to
Anyhow, Fern Marshall
was striving to make contact with one of her celestial muses on how to attract
more publicity for her food truck business. She was already making a lot of
money on her own but she just needed additional ideas for both more recipes for
her sandwich and pie meals as well as to compete with the other 105 multiple
food trucks serving students across the Scandinavia area college campuses that
were also now combined into a mile long mall business and theme park business
built by the year 8495. During one of her meditations Fern Marshall found
herself in a celestial realm of a massive theme park that reminded her of a
hybrid of Disneyland and Disneyland world from the year 2350. As a psychic she
noticed Otto Barry hosting a storytelling presentation that caught the
attention of over 9000 spirits temporarily pausing to hear his presentation.
Timely enough, the presentation concluded 18 minutes later and Fern Marshall
had the chance to speak with him after just an 18 minute wait-she kept busy in
this meditation session by talking with one of the celestial employees nearby
who was an assistant to Otto Barry for the past 6 years in earth time.
After talking to the
assistant named Erma Floyd Fern Marshall learned that Otto Barry has been
happily residing in the celestial realm she is visiting since the year 2350
after he transitioned from the earth realms with income of what is early 2000s
era of 120,000 American dollars a year after taxes with a net worth of over 8
million dollars after taxes. Otto Barry’s employment helped him live a long,
rich, and happy life. Otto Barry has been offered chances to reincarnate into
more utopian earth societies where every man, woman, andor child regardless of
their ethnicity, intellectual ability, andor socio-economic class they were
born into can work for just 10 years and obtain over 10 million dollars in
taxes for the rest of their current lifetime. However, for over 3100 years Otto
Barry has had wise reasons for avoiding reincarnation on earth. Otto Barry and
Fern Marshall vibrationally matched to each other communicating as psychic/food
business owner Fern Marshall resides in the society that Otto Barry is thinking
about either residing in or being a spirit guide to a female or male spirit who
incarnates into this civilization and time period that Fern Marshall is living
in. For Fern Marshall for her part vibrationally attracted Otto Barry because
he was unknowingly a real live human muse to multiple male and female spirits
during his lifetime for those spirits going after certain career, money, andor
fitness/weight loss goals. Otto Barry also earned the privilege/right to stay
in the celestial non-physical realms if he chooses because he has agreed to be
a part-time muse and helper to over hundreds of celestial spirit guides in
charge of thousands of male and female spirits residing on earth over the
years. The following is an excerpt of the session between Fern Marshall and
Otto Barry;
Fern Marshall; Otto
Barry, please tell us one of the challenges that transformed into triumph when
you were alive.
Otto Barry; In
addition to having successful careers in both the military and private sector I
worked as a dual career counselor and food publicity consultant across various
universities/colleges and even employment centers frequented by thousands of
adults across Maryland, Virginia, and downtown Washington D.C. This was after
all three of those places merged politically once the interconnected metro rail
train and bus routes were added to those places. I won various awards for my
work in those two fields. Additionally 3 years prior to my passing from the
earth realm, I had received over 1110 letters of appreciation from men and
women ages 18 to as old as 98 of various races/ethnicities, intellectual
abilities, sexual orientations, place of national origin, religious spiritual
beliefs etc. thanking me for helping them transition into certain careers and
money success even when the odds seemed stacked against them for various
reasons. Less than 3 hours after passing from the earth realm, three of my
celestial spirit guides showed me over 100 male and female spirits residing on
earth who I was also an unofficial living human muse in their writings, career
goals, other areas etc. to via their sleeptime dreams andor other channels. I
have to be discreet about my family life for this session as well for karmic
and other reasons relating to my descendants with over 9000 of them still alive
in your year of 8500 spread across various continents of the earth with 2500 of
them residing in Scandinavia alone.
Fern Marshall; How did the
early triumph of achieving career and money success as a food publicity
consultant as well as receiving over 1110 letters of appreciation affect your
spiritual goals ?
Otto Barry; I felt comfortable
and self-confident with taking chances both in my food publicity work and with
the advice I gave the various men and women helping me. For instance, I was
descended from a long list of ambitious men and women who gave advice and
examples of how almost anyone can go on to achieve greater career and money
success regardless of how their career life was before. For instance, the
common belief of people from a person’s previous job affecting their present
and future work life was turned on its head to the positive surprise of many
people. Many men and women discovered that a person’s past life and their
future work lives transform differently in a positive way when they take
various chances. For instance, a person who was a stock clerk at one job that I helped went on to become a successful
public relations professional less than 12 years later. Another stock clerk I
helped went on to become a famous and successful chef across various
universities and hotels within the span of just 10 years. I have even helped
hundreds of other minimum wage workers that mainstream society would imply that
they should not even bother climbing the wall to greater career and money
success. For instance, I have helped a former grocery store bagger find work as
a successful chef on a merchant marine ship. Another case study was a food
service worker who I helped become a successful import export specialist in the
span of just 5 years even though she was far from the mainstream ideals of
beauty and intelligence and over 48 years old. I have even helped many men too.
For instance, I helped a 50 year old man who wanted to try a different career
change as a grocery store manager transition into a successful career as a
caterer and part time author less than 2 years later. I also helped a 52 year
old man who was outside the mainstream ideal of intellectual ability cross over
from a janitor/custodial cleaner to a thriving event planner making 3 times his
after tax income within the span of just 18 months much to the surprise of
everyone who knew him. I would usually
give tough love advice by reminding various clients not just women that how
they look does matter and usually I would encourage many of them to work on
their weight and eat most of their food earlier in the day even if they have to
schedule doing that first thing in the day. I even bluntly told 3 women that I
agree with them that they ought to keep their hair long but to do what they
legally can to get thinner as soon as possible while still finding ways to feed
themselves at least 1000 to 1200 calories a day and adjusting when needed but
to avoid dipping below 1000 calories. Many people in my life would tell me that
I was being tough on them especially women in their 30s, 40s, and older
receiving this advice. However, many of those same critics were silenced once
they noticed many of these clients, especially females, go from size 14 to a
size 2 in just 8 months or less. All of these female clients even shared that
their job offers andor promotion opportunities tripled once they reached size 6
or smaller. Some of my male and female
clients did not have to fortunately wait until they got thinner to positively
enhance their career andor money lives andor reputation. Many of my clients
also improved their professional and other areas of their lives once they took
my advice to get both therapy and volunteering based on the schedules and
timeframes I gave them. For instance, chid-free clients of mine whether male or
female and depending on if they are married are going to be given different
schedules as they may obviously have more time than lets say a woman of three
or more children who also want advice for volunteering and therapy. Many times
the volunteer and therapy regimen I advised depending on a person’s situation would
help because many of my clients built important relationship building and
social skills that were forged during their volunteering andor therapy.
Fern Marshall; Otto
Barry, any education or wisdom that you wish to share andor wish to have
pursued when you were still alive?
Otto Barry; Well, I
would recommend that a person keep persisting with striving to match their
schedule up with their goals even if one goal has to take priority over the
other. For instance, I have had during my lifetime at least 100 female clients
who wanted to be writers and lose weight at the same time. I would have to
frequently gently advise them to find a way to make time for their eating in
their place of residence/eating early if eating out and then doing their
writing even if they have to change how frequently during they week they write.
Reluctantly many of them wrote in their schedules as I advised to do this even
though many of them at first had withdrawal symptoms from having to change how
often they write. The caveat was that
many of them still needed to also carefully allow enough time for therapy andor
volunteering so the time to exercise or walk had to be carefully budgeted in
similar to a money budget.However, seeing many of their successes and smiles on
their face after they reached size 8 or smaller motivated me to schedule my
goals in frequency depending on immediate priority. I also followed my own
advice to be passionate about where I reside even when other career coaches
were telling other people to focus more on the company andor job you work for.
I say this because by the year 2300 on earth the U.S. government did at least
become more compassionate and automatically give each U.S. citizen the
equivalent of their own place to reside when they turned 18 depending on their
previous income and 1800 dollars after taxes each month in early 2000s money
regardless of how much money they made at their job. This actually stimulated
the U.S. economy further even though the job market became even more
competitive with an increased population. However, even by the year 2300 many
jobs were sometimes taken away from these citizens, some of who traded a place
they wanted to live for the job they want. I then noticed that the American
citizens who went more by where they wanted to live rather than focus on a
certain company or job fared better and thrived more in the long-term
regardless of what other people around them andor the general public thought of
their ideas even when those same American citizens passionate about living in a
certain area had to work multiple jobs/careers throughout their lifetimes. All
of my success stories of those letters I told you about were from clients who
took my advice to focus more on where they wanted to live the rest of their
lives rather than focus on one particular company andor job. As a result, I
aimed to live by that motto during that lifetime. I also encouraged many of
them and myself to keep written letters of communications they had of their
celestial spirit ally team regardless of how outrageous andor crazy it seemed
at the time. Many of my clients reported getting advice either in their
sleeptime dreams andor various ways in their waking life from their celestial
spirit ally team when doing this, and being able to use that advice to enrich
their lives in various ways whether it was financially spiritually
professionally etc. Whenever a client was too concerned about public judgment I
got them to become braver by initially starting a post of their 3 weekly, at
least 23 days andor monthly intent and then writing how they imagine their
celestial spirit ally team communicated to them within 6 days or less and at
least once a week and/or more. Many of those clients also reported to me
various success stories within 7 months or less of taking my advice. Within 2
hours of me crossing over from the earth realm into the celestial realms, 4 of
my female and male heaven based spirit guides showed me through a futuristic
hologram the countless souls I had helped just with that advice alone.
Fern Marshall; Please excuse me
for interrupting but before you give what I intuitively to be information from
your intuitive heart can you please tell me where in the celestial realms you
reside andor what you world looks like from your perspective.
Otto Barry; As my celestial
assistant shared with you, I have chosen for over 3000 years to reside in the
celestial realms that have heaven based replicas of 2300s era downtown
Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia combined with modern touches of what
earth based citizens from the 8000s living in this area would experience. This
gives me the best of both worlds and helps me in my spiritual work as a
part-time muse. I have also visited hundreds of worlds some of which even you
as a psychic traveler have yet to see yet I must keep secret as some of these
worlds I was told by one of your main spirit guides that you must only see
after your passing from the earth realm.
Fern Marshall; Are you allowed
to tell me when I may pass from the earth realm
Otto Barry; I see the concern
radiating from your spirit for you to know for the sake of both family members
and friends who know you but I have also been encouraged and told to avoid
doing so for both your protection and for celestial karmic reasons.
Fern Marshall; I see and understand
even if it is different from what I would like to hear.
Otto Barry; I am glad that you
do but please understand that you are going to find out what you need to in the
right timing since you have subconsciously sent out the request and it has been
noted by your celestial spirit ally team that reside and visit multiple heaven
worlds of divine love and divine happiness as you do. Two more pieces of advice
I have to share with you before I join 3 female spirits near an orange
mountain/celestial museum hybrid-as they are requesting my assistance as a
part-time muse- is this; For both men and women; it is possible to find out
what you are meant to find out whether it is for greater wisdom, career
direction, andor other ideas if you simply request from your heaven higher self
and heaven celestial spirit ally team to find out in divine right timing in
alignment with your divine life purpose/divine destiny. The second before you
Fern Marshall wake up; Regardless of the career that an earth based spirit is currently
working in andor even if that female andor male spirit has yet to find
employment and regardless of their own nationality one must find a way to get
persevere past the judgment of others and look to the dominant culture/national
origin of your spouse/long-term partner/can be adapted to sexual orientation
for others depending on their relationship status when thinking of career
ideas/areas where your muse wants you to study for your own creative
inspiration as outlandish as this seems for the rest of your current lifetime.
However, the caveat is that only if the male or female is open to doing so.
However, Fern Marshall as I sense you are open to doing so I am sharing that
piece of advice with you. For instance a male regardless of his race is actually
following some of the ideas of his muse when he decides to execute some of his
career ideas based on the culture origin of his partner even when they are both
different races/ethnicities, the same for a female. For you Fern Marshall-your
main male celestial spirit guide is telling me that there is a reason why he
led you to an article outlining your husband’s and husband’s parents country of
origin less than a few hours after you were thinking of crafting some food
ideas and other career and benevolent ideas inspired by the country of origin
of your family. Fern Marshall for any of your friends who have yet to marry
andor partner up it would be the male or female who they felt the most
passionate about romantically speaking in their current lifetime in case they
ask you andor are wondering. I conclude our session with much love and will
meet with you again within 3 years or less of your earth based time, the 3
years or less because it depends on the mutual agreement of our celestial
spirit guides/angels and our celestial higher selves-a discussion for another
Songs for me to keep in
mind;The Voice by the Moody Blues, Anxious by Ginuwine, Feel it Coming by the
Weekend feat. Daft Punk, Piano in the Dark by Brenda Russell, Perfect by One
Direction, Dangerous by Cascada, Home (Vox Mix) by Simmonds and Jones, Diamonds
by Rihanna, Ooh Ooh Baby by Britney Spears, Paradise by Coldplay, Monster by
Lady Gaga, Meet Virginia by Train,Surrender by Lasgo,Stranger in a Strange Land
by Thirty Seconds to Mars, Commander by Kelly Rowland, Walk on the Ocean by
Toad the Wet Sprocket,Sensitized by Kylie Minogue, Cake by the Ocean by DNCE,
Full Service by New Kids on the Block
Star LA Chef Roy Choi Is
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4 questions
I Stella Carrier can
do good work and accomplish much in all areas of my life both present and
future regardless of the level of creativity and problem solving that exists in
my current circumstances that I’m intuitively aware are self-created.
I Stella Carrier can
make big decisions today in all areas of my life both present and future
regardless of the level of information I have
Each Day I Stella
Carrier am manifesting/attracting positive/beneficial increasing essences of
freedom and independence in all areas of my life both present and future.
I Stella Carrier know
almost everything that is going to happen before it does, I am plugged in a
most unusual way via celestial/heaven-like benevolent forces in all areas of my
life both present and future.
I am far
from a President Donald Trump fan politically speaking yet I admit that this
executive order that he just passed for Veteran’s assistance is a positive step
in the right direction.
President Trump Signs Executive Order for
Veterans’ Assistance
By Tim Malloy
Intuitive insight; strive to do the Stella Carrier in heaven
entry at least once a week and within 24 hours or less of this writing
I am far
from a President Donald Trump fan politically speaking yet I admit that this
executive order that he just passed for Veteran’s assistance is a positive step
in the right direction.
President Trump Signs Executive Order for
Veterans’ Assistance
By Tim Malloy
I actually discussed
my comments on this yesterday. I admitted that I would vote for Oprah and gave
reasons why, but I had a feeling that President Donald Trump was encouraging
Oprah Winfrey to run because her running would make it easier for all of us to
have to say President Donald Trump in 2020 regardless of who wanted him to be
President in 2020 or a one term president. Even with my political beliefs I
wish both Oprah Winfrey and President Donald Trump well. I actually wanted
Hillary Clinton to win when I voted for her but for the sake of all of us I
hope that President Donald Trump does good for all American citizens regardless
of how long he is president and that he cooperates with and is
understanding/supportive of special counsel Robert Mueller and other officials
who are questioning him for good reason. I reluctantly admit that the a measure
that I saw online of President Donald Trump implementing is going to make
whoever competes with President Donald Trump in 2020 a strong fight as he is
forging a strong legacy with the military population. The military population
may be just a small segment of America yet it is common knowledge that many
military members have significant connections with family members, friends, and
other associates from both the military and private sectors from various
races/ethnicities who are significant voting blocs. I also still stand by my
sentiment that Oprah Winfrey would also need to speak with Hillary Clinton if
she does run and garner her support if possible.
that's what I get for
writing my comment before doublechecking, the measure I was referring to
pertains to a military measure that President Donald Trump signed into
executive order that would provide Veteran's Assistance to from what appears
military veterans who have been discharged from the military within a year or
Trump doesn't foresee Oprah presidential run, but predicts he
would beat her
By Cheyenne
Haslett Good Morning America
I actually
seen a story on this on the grio website and commented on it. I personally do
not yet have an instagram account and I also do not internet stalk Meghan
Markle as I only have so much time in the day to do certain activities even
when they are activities I want and even
with more free time on my hands compared to most people I know. However, I
still stand my sentiment that years from now, even if she goes on to achieve
more career and money success, Meghan Markle is going to secretly wish that
she maintained at least one of her
accounts whether that is facebook, twitter, or instagram. However, due to some
of the public judgment that has been harshly and unjustly inflicted on Meghan
Markle just because of her being involved in a high public profile interracial
relationship I can easily understand why she would take the precautions that
she sees fit even if she closed her accounts for other reasons having little to
do with her upcoming marriage andor high profile interracial relationship with
Prince Harry. Either way, I do wish both Meghan Markle and Prince Harry well
and much good luck in their marriage.
Meghan Markle closes social media accounts after engagement to
Prince Harry
KINDELAN,Good Morning Americ
I had
actually seen some coverage on CNN less than a few months ago where Louis C.K.
admitted to his behavior and was wise to avoid victim blaming. I felt that he
was actually being mature and considerate to the women he sexually harassed
when he acknowledged and admitted his behavior, his public statement seemed to
also express remorse about his behavior. I do believe that he deserves a second
chance in light of the investigation.
Investigation Into Louis C.K.’s Workplace Behavior Found No Issues, John
Landgraf Says
By Vulture
I admire
Danica Patrick’s boldness in trying her hand with her new book of Pretty
Intense that is a mind, body, and food plan, and I am guessing that her book
sales are going to do well. It is also easy to guess why she would choose North
Carolina as one of the places to promote her book. However, as outlandish as it
seems I think that it would also be advantageous for her to promote her book in
parts of Nevada,Florida, California, Washington State, parts of the Washington
D.C. area, parts of Maryland, and parts of Virginia if possible.
Column: Danica Patrick shifts careers, courts new fan base
Danica Patrick shifts careers, courts new fan base
5:08 p.m. EST Jan. 8, 2018
I can at
least dream about attending within 2
years or less from now.
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Eat, Pie, Love.
MAY 5, 2014
9:30 AM
When it comes to eating pie, the experience
is greater than the sum of its parts
I am sharing and keeping this Bob
Vila 15 Brilliant Hacks For A Cleaner Home to help me fulfill my intent to be both
more organized and neater in all areas of my life.
15 Brilliant
Hacks for a Cleaner Home in 2018
Amazon music
playlist of Best of Led Zeppelin such as with hits Whole Lotta Love,Black Dog,
Stairway to Heaven
RPM Italian
Restaurant Week At RPM-Italian DC
Stella Barra
Pizzeria Bethesda Magazine Restaurant Week at Stella Barra
Before I
take a break from the internet and computer within 18 minutes or less for at
least 3 hours or more;The obvious reason for me to keep and share this article
is to help me fulfill my intent to more wisely execute my knowledge with the
law of attraction and taking timely, strategic, and wise actions when it comes
to both my goals and dreams.
Four Epic Virginia
Experiences For 2018
by Patricia
Keppel | Posted: Jan 9, 2018
Beach Hotels Salute Our Military
Mornings in
Virginia Beach
country of origin guiding light-both of my amazing husband’s parents are part
I am sharing
and keeping this article to help fulfill my intent to be a more self confident and
wiser employee at my job.
Savvy Ways to Become Totally Indispensable at Work
There's more
to safeguarding your job than doing it well. Scoring your dream position or
securing a juicy promotion can happen with the right strategies. We've asked
career experts how to hone your job skills and forge alliances to keep your
paycheck steady.
Discount Furniture website
Four Epic Virginia
Experiences For 2018
by Patricia Keppel | Posted: Jan 9, 2018
Save The Dates: The
Can’t-Miss Festivals In Virginia- Part 1
by Patricia Keppel | Posted: Jan 6, 2017
I admit that
this Washington Times article catches my attention as it is a book review that
pertains to Julia Childs and something that may indirectly inspire me in
relation to my current food services job and other creative ideas in my passion
as a writer. I intend to get this book within 2 months or less.
All feast and no famine didn’t
make Julia a dull girl
- - Monday, December 18, 2017
Buca Di
Peppo link
I am actually grateful that Oprah Winfrey and her team made this article available showing all three of her hairstyles. All five of her photos look good yet I have to concur with the online commenters who praised Oprah's long curly hair look with the elegant dress. She has actually inspired me to find creative ways to style my own hair in some type of stylish curls style at least once a week andor at least once every two weeks.
@THISIS To This thanks for commenting and it is ok to respectfully agree to disagree however yes I stand by what I said in reference to the pictures of Oprah Winfrey as each of them conveyed glamor yet the one where she is wearing the gold dress and the long curly hair style stood out to me in a good way. Additionally, it is not always common for female celebrities to wear long and dark raven colored curly hair styles as short hair is actually what is more popular in mainstream media. There is nothing wrong with short hairstyles being trendy. It is just that I found it inspirational to see long raven curly hair styles as that style is a rarity in mainstream media photos nowadays.
Oprah shows off 3 head-turning hairstyles for new O Magazine covers
I admit that I can't fault the media writer of this article for poking fun at Charlie Daniels referencing Bellemunati. However, being careful about speaking of the illuminati is no different than being cautious about speaking of other things. He could be telling the truth about the Illuminati existing and if true what sane person would turn down the chance to join this secret society if they were recruited if the benefits outweighed the challenges. However, Charlie Daniels is not doing anything wrong by referencing them. Actually, in case they do exist, Daniels is actually being careful to be neutral about them when connecting them to the Taco Bell imagery.
Charlie Daniels Issues Grim Warning to Taco Bell About the Illuminati by Tim Kenneally of The Wrap
I actually have shopped multiple times at different 711s during my time of residing in the Washington D.C. area and the customer service at one in College Park, Maryland is high quality. Hopefully, the family, employees and friends indirectly andor directly affected by this story come out fine regardless of what happens.
Immigration agents descend on 7-Eleven stores in 17 states by Elliot Spagat and Nomaan Merchant
I do think that Catherine Deneuve may just be coming from a well intended place when she is expressing her sentiment. The topic that this story is referencing is a slippery slope in itself. However, I do see the good in her message; I don't believe she is condoning rape andor unwanted and persistent sexual harassment, Rather, I think she is implying that a woman must be careful about accusing the man of sexual harassment if he was truly coming from a place of good natured flirting, especially if the man is not warned at first about this behavior crossing the line.
Catherine Deneuve says #MeToo is driven by ‘hatred of men’ admit that looking at this Yahoo UK link is interesting timing for me as I am about to go on a fitness walk within 5 minutes or less. Each of the cakes featured look tasty yet I admit that the cake I am definitely eager to attempt to make for my husband and I within 4 days or less is the Andes Chocolate Cake.
I admit that I took a little longer than 5 minutes to go for my fitness walk yet it was definitely somewhere within 25 minutes or less. Luckily I checked with my husband on making the Andes Chocolate Cake and he is definitely supportive of me experimenting with that recipe for the both of us.
@Stella I need to definitely head to bed soon I should have said it took me longer than 5 minutes to leave out of my apartment to go for my fitness walk but a commenter could pretty much get the gist of my husband in favor of me making the Andes Chocolate Cake.
21 Cakes To Add To Your Winter Baking Bucket List
Andes Chocolate Cake by Lauren Miyashiro
Thursday January 11, 2018
I am very grateful to have come across this soup recipe article link via Yahoo Canada. The top 3 recipes that I definitely want to look into cooking this month and the ones I intend to ask my husband about within 16 hours or less; the Potato, Garlic, and Leek Soup and the Rotisserie Chicken Ramen soup recipe.
20 Lazy Soup Recipes to Whip Up When It's Freezing
by Purewow
Potato, Garlic and Leek Soup
Rotisserie Chicken Ramen
by Erin McDowell
Dinner Party Tips from 15 Genius Hosts
12 Favorite Recipes of All Time
more songs for me to keep in mind; She's So High by Tal Bachman, Wicked Garden by Stone Temple Pilots, Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots, Vogue by Madonna, Like A Prayer by Madonna, Crush by Dave Matthews Band, I Live For You by Chynna Phillips, Behind Closed Doors by Lana Del Rey, Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey, Get Low by Zedd and Liam Payne, Stellify by Ian Brown, Bodywork by Morgan Page feat. Teagan and Sara, Save A Prayer by Duran Duran,You're The Best Thing by the Style Council, Wonderful Life by Hurts, Venus and Mars by Jo Breezer, Possum Kingdom by Toadies
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