Uplifting Part One Cd created by the year 2012 And

I intend to create a freestyle story in this section and I am following both my intuition and logic to include a music playlist that I created on a cd by the year 2012 and I might create on  youtube. However to allow myself enough time to get ready for work I am obviously going to save the story for either later on after work andor tomorrow morning.

update; I need to give myself until tomorrow Wednesday September 7 2018 or later to create my planned story in this entry but I continue to give thanks for everyone who visits my online blogs

more songs for me to keep in mind; Desire by U2, Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi, Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves

Uplifting Part One Cd created by the year 2012

Hold On Wilson Phillips first heard around the age of 10
Keep On Trying by 2Vibez  first heard around 2008 via a Future Trance cd in Norfolk Virginia
I Like To Like It by Masterboy
Sing by Travis  first heard around 2002/2003 in Yokosuka Japan
Temptation Island by Smile.DK  first heard around 2008 in Norfolk Virginia and a Smile.dk cd bought on amazon
Adore by Smashing Pumpkins first heard in 1998 via radio
Thong Song by Sisqo heard during my final year of high school by May/June 2000
Lullaby by Shawn Mullins
Lovin Each Day by Ronan Keating
2 Hearts by Phil Collins first heard around the age of 8 or 9
Secrets by Pharao around 1995/1996 15 or 16 years old
World of Magic by Pharao heard on the Pharao cd by Pharao by the year 2007
Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel  I started to listen to more after 2007 when I heard it enough times via radio
Games Without Frontiers Peter Gabriel sometime by the year 2007
It's A Fine Day by Opus One first heard around the ages of 14 or 15
You're Not Alone Olive  I first heard around the ages of 16 or 17
Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield

I preface this creative fiction story by making it clear that I Stella Carrier feel blessed for my current food services job at the University of Maryland College Park which pays well for what I do, and allows me to work with both fair leaders and ambitious coworkers. 
I preface by making it clear that I am definitely not telling anybody how to live, Rather I am doing this for my own writing passions and spiritual creativity/spiritual evolution, as a healthy and constructive spiritual and creative art therapy outlet for the various dreams and desires that I discovered can be channeled into artistic writing therapy. Additionally, I am following both my intuition and logic in doing what I consider this activity to be fun/exciting as I have a strong instinctive feeling that this activity ties into my destiny andor life purpose in various ways that I may only fully understand after my current lifetime.

I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.

I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.

I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.

Background info for quickie freestyle story
Start time to be decided 23 hours or  less from now
Completion time to be decided 23 hours or less from now

I have to hand it to Nikelle Murphy for creating an article modeled after the song Business of Emotion by Big Data feat. White Sea and her previous articles also have potential of creatively stoking both negative and position emotion from her article portfolio on the cheat sheet. Regarding this bold article of Nikelle Murphy's 10 College Degrees That Are A Dime a Dozen Nowadays is a caveat that I see in her communications listing. First off, there are communication related careers available for both enlisted and officer in the U.S. Navy, U.S. government jobs, and even public relations related job openings for people daring enough to travel and live outside the U.S. (Canada, Australia, parts of Europe, military bases overseas etc). I even talked to someone just last night who has a cousin who works in a public relations field in the United States Navy and is majoring in a communications field as it is related to their job. My point; Nikelle Murphy is gifted with the talent of creating articles that garner attention and strong emotion but I can't help but notice she is also including majors that actually have an abundance of career options available that would steer people away from promising career fields who may have yet to know better about some gifted writers who are talented with manipulating the business of emotion. My second caveat with Nikelle Murphy including communications in her article; a look at the about Nikelle Murhpy in her cheat sheet article gives an important clue. As per her own words in her cheat sheet professional author profile; Murphy is a writer and editor who graduated with a degree in magazine journalism and political science from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Newhouse University. In other words she herself successfully graduated in a college degree program that was related to communications. Had she took to heart an article similar to what she created by implying communications as a dime a dozen prior to her studying at Newhouse University then she could have missed out on enrolling in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications that probably gave her important foundations for the career path she is on now as a writer and editor.


10 College Degrees That Are a Dime a Dozen Nowadays

by Nikelle Murphy


from the website where I gathered my hypothesis that one must still follow their intuition and logic to pursue whatever degree they want due to the writer being paid to stir the business of emotion i.e. similar to the song Business of Emotion by Big Data feat. White Sea and that at least Sean Parker had the courage to admit and imply that Facebook is good at doing. I actually find it beyond funny and pretty scandalous that Nikelle Murphy is listing a degree program (communications) in her article that involves her college alma matter. I can only imagine how her former professors might feel that she included the educational hand that fed her in her latest article. Yes, I  understand any wise andor influential critics for implying if I am being a calculating witch rhymes with b for pointing this out. However, someone has to in order to inform others so that more people could at least be aware of what is going on when various online articles are published to stir emotions. Additionally, any article writer that implies to other people that they should not even bother climbing an educational andor career mountain that they themselves have climbed need to be politely told that they themselves are actually serving as human examples of educational andor career examples to look into whether they realize it or not. The best example; I have already pursued one college degree successfully and finished in the 3 year timeline I set for myself yet I realize now the degree program I am better off doing the second time around as their are many career options for it in universities including the company I am currently affiliated with, the military, government etc. However, even pursuing a second degree I would encourage others to do the same and would not dare tell anyone else not to bother pursuing a college degree even if it is in something I have pursued. Yet that is exactly what Nikelle Murphy is doing when she tries to advise others to avoid pursuing a degree in communications when she herself pursued a college program in the public relations department and is doing a job similar to the field of study she included in her February 4 2018 article referenced under 10 college degrees that are a dime a dozen. I also respectfully disagree with her implication as I talked to a female who is a friend of a coworker less than 24 hours ago who has a cousin who works as a mass communications specialist for the U.S. Navy in Hawaii. Guess what degree program he is pursuing as he works in a communication/public relations field in the U.S. Navy-yes you guessed it a public relations related/communication major. I do wish Nikelle Murphy well in both her personal and professional journey even with respectfully disagreeing with her on including a college major (communications) that is related to what she studied as an undergrad.

Nikelle Murphy
Nikelle Murphy is a writer and assistant editor for The Cheat Sheet. She graduated with a degree in magazine journalism and political science from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Fresh flowers, Sour Patch watermelons, and beach vacations are a few of her favorite things.


10 College Degrees That Are a Dime a Dozen Nowadays by Nikelle Murphy


Despite the somber video, I have to concur with others on how thrilling this song Church by Fall Out Boy is, it is actually one of my favorite songs on their music collection Mania.

the video on youtube is somber yet the Church song itself is amazing

Fall Out Boy - Church

I admit that I am glad that the PopSong Professor analyzed and shared his interpretation of Church by  Fall Out Boy via his youtube commentary. The song itself is both unique and romantic and yet I still preferred a way to figure out the meaning because of seriousness of the music video. The PopSong Professor's commentary on the song helps me understand the spiritual and controversial aspects of the Church song. 

Fall Out Boy's "Church"

songs for me to keep in mind; All Summer Long by Kid Rock, Luckystar by Madonna, Church by Fall Out Boy

important note about my spiritual beliefs

I preface these writings by sharing that I do believe in an afterlife filled with multiple dimensions that can be considered of celestial spirit light and others dimensions that may be considered on the challenging side as I do believe in the spiritualist belief that a person goes in an environment similar to other spirits in spiritual vibration. With that said, I also believe that it is easier to experience both heaven on earth and experience a heaven based afterlife than what it may initially appear. As a result, I believe it is not my place to judge where anyone else goes after their time concluded on earth. Additionally, I prefer if others who read this blog accept that it is ok to agree to disagree in spiritual beliefs regardless if someone reading this is a hardcore atheist, open minded skeptic, andor a spiritual type of person such as myself who believes that there are multiple worlds that exist in the afterlife and that it is not another person's place to judge andor decide where someone else goes. Naturally, I avoid proclaiming where someone is going in their afterlife as I prefer to focus on my own afterlife existence and my life purpose destiny while I reside on earth. Additionally, I do believe that regardless of where someone goes in an afterlife that their spiritual being soul has the ability to move on andor travel to other dimensions andor realms once their spirit achieves a certain level of spiritual wisdom andor spiritual development/soul evolution. I have to make this clear as my intent is to balance and bridge my life on earth and the goals I am driven to accomplish while alive on earth with my intent to also keep a heaven focus but more from a new age/occult slant. I understand that I am opening myself up to judgement from hardcore atheists who may be popular andor respected mental health care professionals but I felt it intuitively and logically necessary to make my viewpoints clear as too often the way a person like myself believes is lumped into someone who dictates how another person ought to live religious andor spiritual wise.


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