Career Spiritual Mentors Series part 3 Creative Fiction Freestyle Story Part 3 by Stella Carrier

Career Spiritual Mentors Series part 3 Creative Fiction Freestyle Story Part 3 by Stella Carrier
I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.

I am creating heaven on earth.
I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times.
I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future
My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day.
I am in the process of manifesting and ensuring a bright future for myself
I see through various situations with great wisdom and clarity with discernment as to what information to go by
I am in the process of simultaneously sharpening both my logic decision making and the imagination helpful to think outside the box for solutions in various areas of my life

It is the year 2828 and I Estelle Sims am a 66 year old career counselor who has been helped by William Duran when it comes to helping men and women from various walks of life balance their writing passions/aspirations of balancing being a writer/author with dreams of also having a full time career tailored to their writing interests. Some of my clients work in careers relating to their writing/work as authors. Other clients balance being fiction andor non-fiction authors with working in careers that are different from their work as writers yet also provide creative fuel for their writings.

I Estelle Sims have also been helped by William Duran with some of the following

He gave me some good advice from some of his investments of investing in a supplement that has helped men and women from various backgrounds meet their body goal dreams with a high success rate by the year 2820. The caveat is that a man or woman must be careful to stop taking the supplements when they reach their ideal weight and transition to the recommended vitamin program. This is  because the supplements have only been in the market for 2 months now, fortunately the only most extreme cases were 2 women in their 30s lost weight so fast that they had to be asked to transition to the alternative vitamin program. One woman went from 160s to 90 pounds in 3 months fast and another woman went from 150 pounds to 100 months in just a month.

William Duran has  hosted career fairs at multiple theme park/college hybrids for men and women of various ages looking into their career destinies. Many of these fairs involved career consultants with intuitive abilities who help men and women with ideas for their planned self publish stories as they craft out their career andor money goals ranging in ages as high as 150 years old. I Estelle Sims have been allowed to learn how some of these career consultants utilize their practical and intuitive guidance as well as receive mentorship for my own storytelling goals.

I Estelle Sims have watched as a multiple number of over 800 men and women who attended these career fairs go on to achieve some of their intended career goals from their stories regardless of the level of recognition their self published stories got. For instance, a 143 year old female from one of the career fairs recently received less than a month ago at least 17000  American dollars in 2000s money just to have one of her short 39 page stories optioned for a theater play pertaining to a universe where there is over 140 dimensions of worlds similar to what was featured in the Wizard of Oz.  A 70 year old male client  published one of his stories based on his work as a cook on a military sealift command ship that was built near a theme park, hotel, and university building hybrid. It has truthfully been over a year since he self published the story and he does wish for similar success that the 143 client received. However, less than 3 weeks ago he unexpectedly had a sleeptime dream of certain plots of his creative fiction story that gave him some lucrative meal plans that are generating him some money for a party planning business that he does on the side. Then less than 48 hours ago, a female who is a heiress to one of the founders of 2 theme parks  built in Maryland and one near Virginia Beach Virginia by the year 2100 approached our 70 year client about helping her set up a birthday party themed after the creative fiction genre book that the 70 year old client wrote inspired by his work as a cook on a military sealift command ship. When phrasing this request she admitted that she was one of the secret fans of his work who featured his book at a dinner party that recently made the news in a media conglomerate that combines news elements from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Virginian Pilot and the Wall Street Journal.

Potentially more on Estelle Sims less than 5 to 6 weeks from now or less


songs for me to keep in mind

Fable (Message Version) by Robert Miles
Fable (Dream Version) by Robert Miles
I Am the Bullgod by the Kidrock
Mysterious Ways by U2
Lovesong by the Cure
Blackwater by the Doobie Brothers
Best Day of My Life by American Authors
Feel Good Inc. by the Gorillaz
Everyone Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears
Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin

The navy sea duty pay referenced in the article seems like it would be an important incentive for various men and women who otherwise would need more time to decide whether to extend their time served on a ship.
What You Should Know About the Career Sea Pay Rules

think of what i would give back in return
how mike tyson became a millionaire again

Mike Tyson: I Was Totally Out of My League by Jessica Golden
Mike Tyson 5 Fast Facts
Most recently, Tyson has teamed with Adult Swim for a brand-new animated series called Mike Tyson Mysteries which premiered in October 2014

celebrities who are well liked
the 20 most powerful stars in hollywood right now by Paul Schrodt
The Most Influential celebrities on Social Media by Karla Rodriguez
16 People Who Bounced Back by Lindsay Dodgson

I Stella Carrier keep my life purpose destiny in mind as I wisely and intuitively stay humble/modest and keep my pride at a down to earth level as I do and give my best in all areas of my life and transforming even the most one of a kind challenges into greater golden spiritual midas touch happy andor beneficial opportunities for expanded spiritual evolution and increased wisdom in all areas of my life for both present and future.

8 Things To Do In D.C. From June 14-20 by Rudi Greenberg and Thomas Floyd

This caught my attention because of the reference to various  music events around the Washington D.C. area.
5 Summer Music Festivals to Catch in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia by Rudi Greenberg

originally saw on microsoft news
  ihop changed its name to ihob to promote its burger menu theyre shockingly goodby Hollis Johnson and Kate Taylor

I preface sharing this by making it clear that I rationally/logically accept and intuitively understand that my career destiny cards/career destiny/heaven inspired career lifepurpose does not involve being a government employee in Washington D.C. However, my creative intuition and logic are influencing me to keep this article for both present and future both as a creative fiction story idea and for others who may want to see the link.
7 Employers Who Want To Help You Buy A House by Glenda Taylor
U.S. Government in Washington D.C.
Government employees in Washington, D.C., can take advantage of some of the best EAH benefits around. The housing program, which is open to employees purchasing their first home, includes a deferred 0 percent interest loan of up to $20,000. This loan may be used for a down payment or closing costs, and it need not be paid back until the employee sells or refinances the home. To qualify, the employee must agree to a five-year work commitment.
Supergirl Melissa Benoist celebrates Broadway Debut  with Supergirl beau by Ian Mohr
Melissa Rivers Selling Posh Pacific Palisades Property for $6.2M by Claudine Zap
brad pitts mit crush travels to paris to see billionaire beau by Mark Gray
Brad Pitt's MIT Crush  still going strong with billionaire hedge funder Bill Ackman by Ian Mohr and Emily Smith  (this list lists Brad Pitt's crush to be Neri Oxman)
Virginia Beach Virginia Gets Its First Neighborhood Added to National Register of Historic Places by Mary Beth Gahan the Virginian-Pilot
The best of Nerd, the Virginia Beach Band Headlining Shaggfest by Rashod Ollison The Virginian-Pilot

The theme of  the Wizard of Oz combined with the Strawberry festival sounds innovative.
Pungo Strawberry Festival In Virginia Beach by Steve Earley the Virginian-Pilot

Probably a huge number of people showing up for the event featured because of the inclusion of tacos.
Norfolk Hosting Beer-Fueled Late Night Munchie Market with Celebrity Tacos Brazilian Street Food by Matthew Korfhage

The coverage was probably highly educational for  the students featured in the DC Central kitchen documentary
the documentary 'the liberation' looks at who can take the heat in d.c. central kitchen by kristen page kirby
Mcdonald's Quiz by Mike Spohr
5 Vacation Homes for the Ultimate Summer Getaway by juliana distefano
Linthwaite House Brings Luxury to the Lake District by Phoebe Neuman (England's Lake District)
grilled huli huli chicken
military sealift command

I might want to go camping within the next 2 years or less from now.

The Very Best Campgrounds from Coast to Coast

a related travel link
I intend to travel to England one day with my husband and staying at this place featured sounds like it would be both a colorful and uplifting experience.
Linthwaite House Brings Luxury to the Lake District by Phoebe Neuman (England's Lake District)
12 Historic Destinations by Patricia Keppel

writing based on real life

I admit that I intend to do some of my creative fiction writing relating to real-life. However, I rationally and intuitively understand that I must wisely and modestly take into account certain information I can obtain on this endeavor for both practical and karmic reasons.

6 Tips for Writing Fiction Based on True Events by Guest Column

5 Great Places to Vacation in Virginia Beach

The chances of me doing a half marathon within the next 3 months or less is truthfully slim. However, I have been getting intuitive promptings to work my walking routine up to running especially with the freedom and free time I am blessed with in addition to an open minded and sweet husband who loves me the way that I am. I am both sharing and keeping this article on half marathons because I believe that my intuitive soul unexpectedly led me to this link for a reason (at a minimum I intend to work my way up to running at least one mile three times a week within 2to 4 weeks from now or less). However, as my passion also involves writing I must both talk to my heavenly husband and search my sweet soul on combining both my walking and running goals with some of my writing goals.

Take the Train to Your Next Marathon or Half Marathon in Virginia by Patricia Keppel

Parmesan Garlic Roasted Potatoes
blackened shrimp fajitas

Old Dominion University online Norfolk Virginia

switzerland news

University of Maryland Robert H Smith School of Business link College Park Maryland

fictional characters named Stella
100 Cheap or Free Things to Do This Summer by Hillary White

Destiny song by Zero 7 feat. Sia

losing weight helped my career

I am an American born and mixed race woman blessed with an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally regardless of my weight and I sympathize with the author of this article as I too am determined and am in the process of working on returning to my ideal weight regardless of how long that takes. However, at least the boss was honest with her, he could have easily told her another reason andor story. Yes, I have compassion for why it was challenging for her to accept his truth but kudos to her for successfully getting a job increase and a job aligned to her life purpose after she made the tricky decision to relocate for a new job.
The Financial Confessions My Boss Told Me To Lose Weight If I Wanted A Promotion by The Financial Confessions
Vicky Pattison Believes that Losing Weight Helped Give Her Career A Major Boost by Georgina Littlejohn

Monday June 18, 2018

popular swedish weight loss pills of celebrity,,20978353,00.html
the 50 best weight loss foods of all time by kathleen mulpeter,,20978353,00.html
6 Weight Loss Supplements Celebs Swear By To Lost Weight by Lisa Fogarty
a weight loss supplement like QuickTrim, which she told Ok! Magazine helped her lose 15 pounds super fast.


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