Career Spiritual Mentors Series Part 6 Creative Fiction Mini Story Part 6 by Stella Carrier

Career Spiritual Mentors Series Part 6 Creative Fiction Mini Story Part 6 by Stella Carrier

It is the year 2840 and I Abraham Brock am a career counselor to various cooks and chefs at Modul University in Vienna Austria.  I am descended from a long line of cooks, chefs, and affiliated workers across various parts of private sector, government, and military food service workers both in the United States and across various parts of Europe. My late biological mother unintentionally and unexpectedly became pregnant with me at the age of 45 after a one night stand she had after volunteering as both a cook and caterer at an opera ball held in downtown Austria Virginia when she was between jobs with my biological father who was 20 years old at the time. I say unexpectedly not because she was sterilized more because she had been secretly trying since the age of 15 until age 35 to have me and 10 years not once ever using any form of birth control as most other women  would have of her age such as using permanent sterilization or some other type of birth control.  By  the year 2100 birth control and permanent female sterilization became available to women at least 21 years of age across all parts of the world. However,  laws were also passed to ensure that women who were 21 years of age and older can also afford birth control regardless of their age but also go birth control free if they wanted to. My late biological mother was one of the women who opted out of any form of birth control and she did tell all of her partners. However, my biological mother woke up in the middle of the night less than 4 hours after the conclusion from the party she helped set up unexpectedly naked in some hotel room bed and woke up to my biological father finishing up having his way with her. She did not file a police report on him only because she did remember telling him that she wanted him and even aggressively straddling his lap before shortly passing out in his car (being driven by one of his friends) from too much alcohol before she had the chance to tell him that she does not use birth control and which company affiliated house to take her to. Additionally, my late biological mother knew how it would be publicly perceived that she as a 45 year old woman technically took advantage of a 20 year old younger man even if liquor courage influenced them both. However, my surviving father is supportive of me admitting how I was conceived three months from now for reasons I am to avoid explaining for now but part of it having to do with a statue of limitations in Austria being 40 and a half years when it comes to certain types of perceived sexual aggression acts involving two consenting adults.

I Abraham Brock know my biological father and he actually spends time with me and even includes me on various vacations with his family. However, I have to keep his identity secret even 40 years after the one night stand happened because he is the son of two socially popular university professors who financed this opera ball which is not scandalous in itself and because everyone who knows him has little idea of his one night stand andor me. He has shrewdly kept this secret by strategically being employed both within various parts of the United States and Europe. This is possible because by the  year 2200 people from all parts of the world can get to where they want by train within 30 minutes or less and by bus within 35 minutes or less. For instance, a 50 year old man or woman traveling from the United States can travel on a train to Vienna Austria within 30 minutes or less for just 20 dollars in 2018 U.S. money via a one way trip ticket. Additionally by the year 2800 all parts of the earth are safe and happy joyful places to live with residents being given their own home and car by the age of 30 or sooner andor younger depending in the country. I have been asked to avoid listing the countries for now.  Anyhow, The scandal I am referring to is that my biological father and my late biological mother were both affiliated with the U.S. military married to other people when I was conceived and affiliated with the U.S. military but only my late biological mother's family knowing about me-only five of them she kept in contact with and who mysteriously all passed away by the time my late biological mother would have been 55 years of age. Both partners of my late biological mother and surviving father were in other parts of the world and were actually supportive when they both had to tell their spouses. However, my late biological mother passed away within 23 hours after giving birth to me and so I was adopted by the wife of my biological father and her partner who was also part of the U.S. military. The military has relaxed their policies on this sort of scandal by the year 2790. However, I have upheld my biological fathers request to be on the safe side.

Anyway my work as a career counselor affiliated with Modul University in Vienna Austria has allowed me to travel to various food festivals and other types of events both in Austria and other parts of the world. I also volunteer as a college instructor available to men women and children of various ages from age 8 to 800 years old that teach various spiritual, sorcery, creativity, writing, imagination and other types of classes that help a person live a wiser and magical life. This one of a kind and magical creative school college was founded by three descendants by the year 2100 of the family connected with the Ever After High Series.  I have over 23 mentors in my life who bless me with various insights of wisdom to share with other people.

One of my mentors who is descended from 100 generations of career and money specialty psychics shared this with me less than 3 days ago advice shared by many people by the year 2100 and that also still helps today

A person who realizes that learning all they can about social belonging can grow so much both professional career wise and socially if they learn all they can about what it feels to socially belong both in personal and professional arenas and keep an open mind on what they can do to tap into their inner genius and continue to grow their emotional intelligence as it is possible to learn emotional intelligence and manifest even higher emotional intelligence in one's life.

By the year 2100 various platforms in addition to online blogging open up for men and women from various parts of the world to tap into their inner intuitive and wisdom. However, one of my mentors who works both in the United States and Austria shared with me that he is descended from career and money psychics from the 2000s who patiently explained that a man, woman, andor even a child depending on their level of spiritual awareness/development can send out powerful intent to the the universe to blog about various books, music, and media on certain online blogs to help grow both their intuition and wisdom as well as put out a call to the universe and supportive members of the public mentorship when it comes to law of attraction

For instance in the year 2020, a person who wants to learn more about increasing their inner genius, emotional intelligence, andor learning about their powerful natures in a creative way may feel comfortable sharing certain books on learning self confidence andor increasing their inner genius emotional intelligence on their online blogs but need more time to decide if they ever want to share similar material via facebook. That person can blog about certain things on their blogs regardless if they do so on facebook and multiple times make happy results of the law of attraction to work for them this way for reasons that are understood by the year 2100. As a result, new online and offline platforms inspired by this and built by the year 2130 have integrated some of this 2020 knowledge in an even powerful and more intuitively modified way for even the 2800s and beyond. That is all that I have been asked to share for now as one of my mentors has called me to a meeting that he says is actually a happy meeting for me with a benevolent smile.

I admit that this list of 50 best restaurants caught my attention for multiple reasons. However when it comes to the discussion on the reference of female chefs I have to give myself more time to research before I make a firm decision to further comment for valid reasons.
Worlds 50 Best Restaurants For 2018 by Barry Neild

I admit that this list of 50 best restaurants caught my attention for multiple reasons. However when it comes to the discussion on the reference of female chefs I have to give myself more time to research before I make a firm decision to further comment for valid reasons.
These Are the 50 Best Restaurants in the U.S. by Catherine Clifford

inspired by part of my heavenly husband Rusty Ridler's Austrian heritage
austria food festival
The Best Vienna Events in 2018

austria culinary careers

Modul University Vienna

what are signs of high emotional intelligence
15 Signs That You Are Emotionally Intelligent
signs of high emotional intelligence in a person

9 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence

I admit that I am both logically and intuitively aware that it would be helpful for me to both share and keep certain information I can on markers of high emotional intelligence as I improve on my intent to build up both my self confidence and social awareness.
18 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence Satyapria
15 Signs of a High Vibration

This link appeals to me in a happy way for uplifting reasons as I intend to keep an open and modest mind on what is considered raising one's vibration.
99 Ways to Help You Live More Consciously: How to Raise Your Vibration by Satyapriya

The Try New Things suggestion in the 11 ways to live a happier life according to a psychologist is both a helpful and healing reminder for both my logical, spiritual nourishment, and creative interests.
11 Ways to Live A Happier Life According To A Psychologist by Satyapriya
10 Simple Things You Can Do Today, That Will Make You Happier by Satyapriya

I enjoy listening to music for multiple reasons and I am both sharing and keeping this article as a reminder to myself how beneficial music has been for both my creativity and soul/spirit.
15 Amazing Effects Music Has On Your Health Backed by Science by Satyapriya
10 Magical Effects Music Has On Your Mind by Satyapriya

ever after high the movie
Ever After High by Anita Busch

Both my husband and I enjoy living in the Washington D.C. area and I keep an open mind to listening to at least some of the music of the groups featured in connection with the concerts referenced in this Washington Post article regardless of my probability of attending the listed concerts.
5 Things To Do in D.C. From June 21-27

I Stella Carrier wisely think outside the box in all areas of my life both offline and online to put together multiple plans that help me allow myself to achieve multiple goals on schedule andor in alignment with heaven divine right timing for both present and future.

I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future.

I Stella Carrier become more imaginative, wiser, and intuitive each day that I am alive for both present and future.

Friday June 22, 2018
Tokyo Disney by Brinton Parker
DOD Wants to Make Millions More Eligible To Shop At Commissaries, Exchanges by Karen Jowers

resources; Chemistry by Velvet, Beautiful Now by Zedd feat. Jon Bellion, Do You Wonder Ever After High Theme Song


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